Many companies do not know if their training is effective. Relying on quizzes at the end of the course may measure short-term memory, but it does not measure understanding, long-term retention, or successful implementation. It also does not measure non-training conditions that influence the effectiveness of training. The absence of more in-depth effectiveness studies is …
Case Presentation
A 49 year-old lead electrician, who had been employed for six years on an petroleum drilling site, received an unsatisfactory performance evaluation due to lateness. During a counseling session this employee claimed that medical problems were the reason for his lateness.
Clinical Evaluation
In a clinical evaluation on January 7, 1999 the …
McDaniel Lambert, Inc.
McDaniel Lambert, Inc. offers an intensive one-day Community Meeting Workshop. The workshop is designed to assist clients in preparing for the RMP public meetings now required by law or for other community meetings. The one-day course provides hands-on training in the principles and practice of risk communication. Participants learn how to:
· …
Case Study:
Rapid Global Electronic communication is becoming the norm, and this provides major challenges and opportunities in the world of EHS. The ability to acquire and process information has lead major corporations to develop and …
Environmental Health Decisions
Environmental Health Decisions has prepared a number of Material Safety Data Sheets for clients in United States and Canada. These MSDSs are in full compliance with WHMIS regulations. Since requirements for preparation of MSDSs in Canada are specific to each province, it was necessary for this consultant to become familiar with a …
Environmental Health Decisions
Environmental Health Decisions has performed and managed several hundred human health risk assessments for local and national clients. Site experience includes federal and state Superfund sites, manufactured gas plant sites, RCRA sites, former gasoline station sites, and Brownfields sites. Using risk assessment, the consultant has successfully negotiated risk-based remedial investigations, cleanup levels, …
Environmental Health Decisions
Environmental Health Decisions has been involved in the investigation and analysis of legal and regulatory issues and controversial claims regarding chemical causation of diseases in humans. The consultant’s solid technical background coupled with frequent involvement in risk and hazard evaluation projects provides the client with a broad perspective on the technical, economic …
Environmental Health Decisions
This consultant has prepared hundreds of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, fertilizers, plastics, metals, fabric protectors, and pesticides. The consultant currently administers the MSDS program for several multinational companies in the oil and gas, fertilizer, and metals industries. Expertise is provided in U.S. and Canadian regulations. As part …
McDaniel Lambert, Inc
International Environmental Strategy and Media Program
Major Energy Resources Company
Occupational medical physician and toxicologist developed a communication strategy and media program to answer questions raised in the press about the safety of fish around oil platforms in the Gulf of Thailand. Consultants trained and advised upper management and frontline personnel …
McDaniel Lambert, Inc
Overseas Community Outreach Program
Major Energy Resources Company
The Philippines
Occupational medical physician and toxicologist developed a risk communication and outreach strategy to assist a geothermal operation in The Philippines located in a region where people were living in geothermal fields and regularly blockading roads leading to geothermal wells to express their …