The Phylmar Group, Inc.
An insurance carrier retained the Phylmar Group, Inc. to investigate a number of indoor air quality complaints at a southern California junior high school following the filing of 25 worker’s compensation claims and a $900,000 tort claim by a student. A series of faculty interviews were conducted along with an evaluation of the school’s heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. The most frequently reported symptoms included fatigue, chest pain/tightness, headache, and dizziness. Several deficiencies were noted regarding HVAC system maintenance. Based on the occupant interviews and HVAC system evaluation, several locations were identified for microbiological and chemical sampling. The criteria for selecting the sampling locations included school staff associating a room with their symptoms or illnesses, or visual evidence of microbiological material on HVAC system surfaces. The majority of sampling results was not unusually. However, Stachybotrys, a toxin-producing mold, was identified in one classroom and in the school’s Counseling Center. Airborne concentrations of total volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, and carbon dioxide were also measured. All chemical sampling levels were within health guidelines. A series of public meetings and a press conference were conducted by the consultant to discuss the results of the investigation. In addition, the consultant provided litigation support and was deposed on two occasions as part of the workers’ compensation proceedings. All but five workers’ compensation claims were settled or dismissed, including the student’s tort claim.