Return-to-the-workplace tools for employers large and small emphasize safety

By June 2, 2021 No Comments

Businesses are wrestling with the question of when or how (or even why) to return employees to the workplace. Even when the decision is made to reopen the workplace, how it occurs will differ depending on an organization’s industry, employees, physical space, budget, and more.

For those who have decided to return employees to the workplace, there are at least five key areas to deal with, each with lots of moving parts:

  1. Workplace safety
  2. Employee health/wellbeing/benefits
  3. Employee communications
  4. Workplace policies/business decision-making
  5. Potential for hybrid workforce – on-site and remote workers

In the crucial area of workplace safety. CEOs, business owners, and HR will want to address such issues as the following:

  • Screening of employees and visitors/clients
  • Contact tracing in case of outbreaks
  • Scheduling of employee shifts and visitors/clients
  • Moving workstations and creating new traffic patterns
  • Monitoring of building room capacity
  • Monitoring of employee movements
  • Deciding whether to establish vaccine policies and what they might be

This information comes from the ALM’s Small Business Guidance program, providing insights and information for small and medium-sized companies.

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