“Training using technology is a trend that has been underway for years, and now COVID has been an accelerator,” explains Chris Fanning, CEO of KPA, Inc. “Moving forward EHS training will become embedded in a company’s DNA.”
The technology is easy-to-use and accessible for medium-sized companies.
Once companies have a more formalized EHS system, based on technology, data can be collected and analyzed, which can in turn improve financial outcomes.
Training objectives need to be communicated from the highest level of the organization. “Employees look to senior management to walk the talk,” says Fanning. “They must clearly talk about the benefits of training and work it into day-to-day practices.”
Software used as a method to collect data capable of measuring training efforts has been a key to success for companies. “Digital records that be sorted through to discover what’s working and what’s not and therefore determine corrective actions is quite valuable.”
Digital training systems are so comprehensive now that it’s not necessary to have data scientists on staff. But what will be necessary is for people to feel comfortable with data analytics.