Case StudyOccupational Health and Safety

Industrial Hygiene and Professional Safety

By October 30, 2008 No Comments

Clark Seif Clark, Inc.

Municipal Utility District, CA

CSC was awarded a contract for Industrial Hygiene and Professional Safety Services in the year 2001 to provide asbestos, lead-based paint and industrual hygiene related services on an on-call basis. CSC was brought in October of 2001 to assist and provide on-site construction monitoring services for the headquarters building restroom/lobby renovation and seismic upgrade. The project is one of the largest asbestos abatement projects in the district’s recent history in a five (5) story building which is to remain occupied during asbestos abatement and construction activities. CSC provided recommendations for the hazardous materials abatement portion of the contract, assisted with the Bid Walk, and will be providing on-site construction monitoring during construction / asbestos abatement which is scheduled for February or March of 2002. CSC will be tasked to ensure that all asbestos related work will be complete during weekends and prior to re-occupancy on Monday morning, including on-site PCM analysis. CSC will be providing asbestos site technicians, asbestos consultants, and DHS certified lead experts to support this project.

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