Clark Seif Clark, Inc.

A government entity chose CSC for this very high profile project, as the environmental consultant. This massive site was a former army barracks. It is now being converted to buildings that will be leased to private businesses; among them, a non-profit Digital Art Center.

Former laboratories, hospitals, and steam tunnels will have to be remediated to public safety standards. All buildings contain hazardous levels of asbestos, lead-based paint, and other contaminants. It is the task of Clark Seif Clark, Inc. to support The Presidio Trust in renovating the historical buildings through conducting asbestos and lead-based paint surveys, and performing on-site supervision and sampling during remediation. The historical integrity of all buildings must be maintained and cannot be altered in any way.

CSC provides asbestos site technicians, asbestos consultants, and DHS certified lead experts to support this project.

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